St Mary's Pharmacy

Project Details


Square Footage: 4,500 sqft including

existing department and renovation


Responsibility: design and construction

phase services, equipment coordination,

support with Board of Pharmacopoeia


St. Mary’s Medical Center requested design and construction phase services for the complex renovation of the existing main pharmacy.


The existing pharmacy is a high volume facility serving diverse patient populations including adults and children. The Pharmacy also prepares chemotherapy drugs. The existing pharmacy’s compounding function was located in a 1950’s portion of the existing hospital building. This condition made renovation in-place impractical due to structure and floor-to-floor constraints.

The design solution included ‘swapping space’ with an adjacent department whereby new sterile compounding space could be designed and constructed Additionally, a new air handler was placed which solely serves the stringent requirements of pharmacy.


This solution allowed the existing pharmacy department to maintain complete functionality and reduced construction costs associated with building temporary facilities and in-place phasing constraints.

Upon completion, the department made the space transition in one weekend with minimal down time.


The result is a highly functioning, compliant, high volume pharmacy with an ISO5 compounding room and appropriately designed support spaces.

Copyright 2016 Chapuis Design Group Architecture, pa